Please download our Detail Parts Price List for review or printing.
The section at the bottom lists some of the more common Custom parts that we will sell. Please note that these are special order and are not available through the website, but by phone or mailed in order only.
If you do not see a Kit part here, please call for price and availability. If you received a Kit from Westerfield Models that is missing or has a broken part, please let us know so that we may get you a replacement part at no charge.
When ordering a Kit part, please add the Kit number after the part number below. For example, use 9997-4751 to order a Roof for Kit 4751.
Westerfield Models also has our current Catalog available in a set of FREE PDF pages. PLEASE NOTE: Our PDF Catalog is available via email only. Please send us your email request for the FREE PDF Catalog pages and we will email them to you. They will come in one email of 20MB. Note that the PDF pages were made in Windows 10 and may not work entirely in previous OS.